Friday, July 6

Father's Day

There is a worksheet for children to fill out for their dads by Make it Perfect floating around Pinterest; however, the worksheet has the wrong year printed on it. I wanted to make a universal one, where it wouldn't matter the year. This is a wonderful idea to get children thinking about their dads on Father's Day. It helps them honor what their dads do for them and how their dads contribute to their everyday lives.

You can download my version here: Fathersday PDF

Monday, June 25

Thing 1 Costume

March was reading month and my son's school had a "Dress Up as a Doctor Seuss Character Day!" Since we were short on Doctor Seuss costumes, we made our own!

Thing 1 Supplies


  • Red Turtle Neck
  • White T-Shirt
  • Round Bowl
  • Sewing Kit
  • Sharpie
  • Scissors
  • Pencil

Step 1: Lay white T-shirt on floor and use bowl and pencil to trace circle.
Step 2: Cut out circle.
Step 3: Sew circle, front and center, on to turtle neck. (I hand sewed the circle on using a back stitch. I only needed the circle to last one day... you could always use a sewing machine.)
Step 4: Take sharpie and write, carefully... "THING 1" on to the circle.

Costume, Thing 1

It's not perfect... It's homemade... My son loved it and that is all that counted!

Sunday, March 4

Peanut Butter, Banana, Rice Cakes

It happened again... "Mom! I'm hungry! Can I have a peanut butter sandwich." We're out of bread, it's cold outside, and I've got about two minutes to make something up that will top a peanut butter sandwich in a six-year-old, gluten-free kid's mind. Not an easy task, but somehow I managed to come out successful.

Introducing Peanut Butter, Banana, Rice Cakes!  Though my husband would say that eating rice cakes is like eating air; my son just can't get enough of these delicious topped cakes.

  • 4 GF rice cakes (We used Quaker Caramel Apple rice cakes)
  • 4 tbsp natural gf peanut butter
  • Brown sugar to taste
  • 1 Sliced banana

Take 4 rice cakes, top with peanut butter, sprinkle brown sugar (optional), and add banana slices.

Or top with what ever sweet, yummy things you have in your kitchen: jam, fruit, cinnamon, and so on! Comment with your creations: